How do I reset my password?

Resetting Your Password

To reset your password, please follow these steps:

Web Users:

  • Select "Sign in with Email" and click "Forgot password?" beneath the sign-in button.
  • Check your inbox for a reset link (check your spam folder if you can't find it).
  • Alternatively, sign in using your phone number to receive a verification code on your mobile device (applies only if previously associated with your account).

Mobile App Users (iOS and Android):

  • Tap "Sign in with Phone or Email."
  • Verify your phone number by entering the code sent to your device or select "Sign in with Email."
  • On the email sign-in page, select "Forgot Password?" to receive an email with the reset link.

For Accounts Created Through Google, Facebook, or Apple:

  • Reset your password directly through the corresponding platform.
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